Quotes from Survivin'

Darryl: "Houston, we have lift-off."

Darryl: "Where was all that sensitivity when white people stole rock and roll?"

Nick: "He who has the most money often has the worst taste."
Darryl: "I know. I've been to Graceland."

Nick: "What is this room really saying?"
Darryl: "Nick, we're black people. If this room starts talking we're out of here."

Sally: "You have broken the third law of the suburbs: thou shalt not steal thy neighbor's contractor."

Darryl: "Well, then law number one must be no black people. And law number two must be never tell the black people about law number one."

Darryl: "Oh my God, I've been tagged by Jesus."

Michael: "Since daddy blew out the power on the whole block, people will start looting. I know I would if it wasn't a school night."

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