Quotes from South Side Story
Darryl: I would like to thank everyone here at the Avalon Gardens community center, a true Garden of Eden, 'cause if you fall asleep in here, somebody will steal a rib.
Darryl: Who the hell is Barryl Hugley?
Darryl: What you been up to, man?
Slim: I was up to 138, 'til they stopped givin' away cheese.
Yvonne: If he wants to see where Darryl's from he can watch COPS like everybody else.
Darryl: Now, boy, you heard your mamma. Now either take the cap off or make it snow in here.
Yvonne: When were you gonna tell us about that?
Michael: I was gonna wait 'til dad got some wine in him.
Milsap: That's how I got a dental plan.
Michael: Look what I just won at foos ball.
Darryl: All right! Way to go, son. And unlike an Emmy, you don't have to pretend to be gay to win it.
Lewis to Darryl: You're like a black Michael Jackson.
Milsap: Honey, I'm home.
Darryl: Sap, either you're talkin' to my wife, or you're talkin' to me. Either way you done crossed the line.
Darryl: Do white people ever knock?
Yvonne: It's a wonder he hasn't hooked up with the wrong crowd.
Darryl: The wrong crowd don't recruit kids with Mary Poppins night lights.
Milsap: I'll show you the monkey bars where my olympic hopes were dashed by a sloppy dismount and a broken Night Train bottle.
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